For administrators

Basic commands


How to set up kubectl / helm to point to the created EKS cluster?

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=<clusterName> # For example: aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=unicorn

How to list all available projects and their environments?

helm ls --all-namespaces

How to delete a project environment?

helm -n <projectName>-<environmentGroup> delete <environmentName> # For example: helm -n website-development delete website-test-env

How do I get list of all kubernetes namespaces?

kubectl get namespaces

How do I get all pods from the namespace?

kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

How do I get logs for all containers in a pod?

kubectl logs -n <namespace> <podName> --all-containers

How do I get logs for a specific container in a pod?

kubectl logs -n <namespace> <podName> -c <containerName>

How do I get current resource consumption of ec2 instances?

kubectl top nodes

How do I get current resources consumption of pods in a namespace?

kubectl top pods -n <namespace>

How do I get current resoruces consumption of containers in a namespace?

kubectl top pods -n <namespace> --containers