For developers

CI/CD configuration


The approach recommended by Hosty to deploy the code and manage environemnts is through CI/CD platforms like CircleCI, TravisCI, Github Actions and similar.

Hosty has a special user role called Release manager who has permissions to create, update and delete environments on the hosting. It was designed specifically for use in CI/CD platforms.

The recommended deployment workflow consists of several subsequent steps:

  • Checkout the git branch and install project dependencies
  • Install and configure Hosty CLI
  • Install VPN client and connect to the cluster's VPN
  • Build and deploy the code
  • Run post-deploy scripts
  • Disconnect from VPN


This is simplified example is made using syntax for CircleCI platform, however, similar steps can be applied to any other CI/CD platform.

In this example CI uses compose.yaml file in a project root, which will be used by Docker Compose to perform operations via Hosty CLI:


In order to store AWS access key, secret key and VPN configuration profile we use environmental variables. Access keys of a dedicated user with Release manager role are stored in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables. The VPN configuration profile file is encoded using base64 (base64 -i *.ovpn -o encoded.txt) and stored in AWS_VPN_CLIENT_CONFIG variable.

Here are the contents of .circleci/config.yml file: