Environment variables
Default environment variables for the PHP container:
Variable name | Description | Can be overwritten |
COLUMNS | Default value: 120. | Yes |
PHP_FPM_CLEAR_ENV | Allows PHP to access only environment variables specified in PHP_FPM_ENV_VARS. | No |
PHP_FPM_ENV_VARS | List of environment variables allowed to be accessed by PHP scripts. Collected dynamically. | No |
HOSTY_PROJECT | Name of the project, as specified in the hosty.yaml file | No |
HOSTY_ENVIRONMENT | Name of the current environment. | No |
FILES_${STORAGE}_PATH | Absolute path to the file assets storage, where ${STORAGE} variable is automatically replaced with the actual name of the persistent storage from the hosty.yaml file. | No |
DB_HOST | Host of the main database cluster. | No |
DB_HOST_READER | Host of the readonly database cluster (replica of the main cluster). | No |
DB_NAME | Name of the database generated for the current environment. | No |
DB_PORT | Port of the database cluster. | No |
DB_DRIVER | Database type (i.e. mysql) | No |
DB_USER | Name of the user who has access to the DB_NAME database. | No |
DB_PASSWORD | Password of the user who has access to the DB_NAME database. | No |
REDIS_HOST | Host of the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PORT | Port to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
Default environment variables for the Nginx container:
Variable name | Description | Can be overwritten |
NGINX_REAL_IP_HEADER | Name of the http header where to take the real user IP from. Default value: X-Forwarded-For. | Yes |
NGINX_LOG_FORMAT_OVERRIDE | Nginx logs pattern. Default value: $http_x_forwarded_for - $remote_addr [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" | Yes |
NGINX_MODSECURITY_ENABLED | See ModSecurity. Default value: true. | Yes |
NGINX_BACKEND_HOST | Default value: | No |
NGINX_HTTP2 | Default value: on. | No |
Default environment variables for the Apache container:
Variable name | Description | Can be overwritten |
APACHE_TIMEOUT | How many seconds Apache will wait for request to finish before it's force closed. Default value: 120. | Yes |
APACHE_SERVER_TOKENS | See Server Tokens. Default value: Prod. | Yes |
APACHE_VHOST_PRESET | Apache container pre-set mode. Default value: php. | No |
APACHE_BACKEND_HOST | Default value: | No |
APACHE_HTTP2 | Default value: on. | No |
Default environment variables set for the Python container:
Variable name | Description | Can be overwritten |
COLUMNS | Default value: 120. | Yes |
HOSTY_PROJECT | Name of the project, as specified in the hosty.yaml file | No |
HOSTY_ENVIRONMENT | Name of the current environment. | No |
FILES_${STORAGE}_PATH | Absolute path to the file assets storage, where ${STORAGE} variable is automatically replaced with the actual name of the persistent storage from the hosty.yaml file. | No |
DB_HOST | Host of the main database cluster. | No |
DB_HOST_READER | Host of the readonly database cluster (replica of the main cluster). | No |
DB_NAME | Name of the database generated for the current environment. | No |
DB_PORT | Port of the database cluster. | No |
DB_DRIVER | Database type (i.e. mysql) | No |
DB_USER | Name of the user who has access to the DB_NAME database. | No |
DB_PASSWORD | Password of the user who has access to the DB_NAME database. | No |
REDIS_HOST | Host of the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PORT | Port to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
Default environment variables set for the Node container:
Variable name | Description | Can be overwritten |
COLUMNS | Default value: 120. | Yes |
HOSTY_PROJECT | Name of the project, as specified in the hosty.yaml file | No |
HOSTY_ENVIRONMENT | Name of the current environment. | No |
FILES_${STORAGE}_PATH | Absolute path to the file assets storage, where ${STORAGE} variable is automatically replaced with the actual name of the persistent storage from the hosty.yaml file. | No |
REDIS_HOST | Host of the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PORT | Port to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password to use to connect to the Redis cluster (if Redis service is enabled). | No |